Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Nigel Cabourn
Nigel has collected vintage clothing for over 30 years and has an archive of over 4,000 pieces, including salvaged British Military uniforms and workwear and a trove of exploration garments unearthed from all corners of the globe. It is this ever increasing vintage collection that is the cornerstone of each collection, not a response to a particular trend or general demand. Each collection has a real story, sense of history and integrity underpinned by the highest level of quality.
Today the Cabourn team work and play in a converted gardener’s house at the bottom of his garden overlooking a cricket pitch and are the envy of everyone who visits them, especially when it’s summer and they’re working in the sunshine!"

We have received to jacket styles, the Storm Parka (below, same colour) and the Cameraman jacket (2nd below, same colour + orange).

"Inspired by a jacket worn by Wilfrid Noyce on an Everest expedition, the Cameraman jacket has an upper made of Mackintosh, and a lower made of Harris Tweed, to keep the wearer warm in extreme conditions. It features specially made metal clips, and waxed cord in the hood and hem."
Make sure to drop by to check out these amazing pieces, while they last.